Strategies: Vehicle Classes and Effectiveness

Rock–Paper–Scissors Effect

Certain classes of vehicles are optimized to destroy other classes of vehicles. The illustration below outlines which class is best used to defeat another. For example, note that an arrow leads from planes to helicopters; planes are better used to defeat helicopters than helicopters are to defeat planes. The direction of an arrow indicates a higher effectiveness of one class against another.

This does not mean, however, that because bombers are effective against tanks, and tanks are effective against host stations, that bombers are also effective against host stations. Bombers are best used to defeat anti-air tanks and tanks only (the classes that are designated at the end of an arrowhead).

As you create vehicles, an effectiveness list appears in the lower right of the game screen. This list is a quick reference as to how effective the vehicle you are creating is against other classes of vehicles. In addition, it shows you the vehicle's effectiveness at acquiring sectors and peeling back the fog of war.

For more information on individual vehicles, see Vehicles & Buildings.